And The Second Is Like Unto It
Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thys
FNL #22 – Why in 1 Cor. 10 does Paul say to eat whatever is sold or served, without raising questions of conscience?
In tonight’s live message, Craig addresses the question: Why in 1 Corinthians 10 does Paul say to eat whatever is sold or served, without raising questions of conscience? We go live on Friday evenings on Facebook, so if you haven’t already, be sure to connect with us
Why does Paul say to eat whatever is sold or served, without raising questions of conscience?
Join us on Friday, January 28, at 4PT/7ET for our next Friday Night Live message! We’ll be going live on our Creation Care Church Facebook page, so be sure to connect with us there, to be notified. This Friday’s topic is: Why in 1 Corinthians 10 does Paul say to eat whate
Imagining Creation as a Christian Vegan – Matthew C. Halteman
This article was originally posted on Matthew C. Halteman, Professor of Philosophy at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan, reflects upon God’s abundant love for creation and how veganism can offer an opportunity to model the Judeo-Christian vision of shalom
Friday Night Live #21 – Did God kill an animal when clothing Adam and Eve?
In tonight’s live talk, Craig addressed the question: Did God kill an animal when clothing Adam and Eve? There are many different possibilities as to what actually happened, and in this message Craig dives into the different ideas, to see which one is the most plausible
Did God kill an animal when clothing Adam and Eve? Join us on Friday!
Join us on Friday, January 21, at 4PT/7ET, when Craig will address the topic is: Did God kill an animal when clothing Adam and Eve? As always, we’ll be going live on our Facebook page, and we invite you to share this message with your non-vegan Christian friends and family.
The Ecological Cost of Cheap Meat: How Factory Farming is Driving Iconic Species to Extinction – Philip Lymbery
This article was originally posted on Philip Lymbery, Chief Executive of Compassion in World Farming and author of Dead Zone: Where the Wild Things Were, reflects on his childhood memories of being a vicar’s son, developing a passion for animals and campaign
Friday Night Live #20 – Are animals capable of giving and receiving love?
In this week’s FNL message, Craig discusses the topic: Are animals capable of giving and receiving love? We go live every Friday evening on Facebook, so please connect with us there if you haven’t already. And be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel, to be notifie
Are animals capable of giving and receiving love? Find out this Friday on our next FNL!
Join us this Friday, January 14 2022, for our next Friday Night Live message! The topic this week will be: Are animals capable of giving and receiving love? We go live on our Facebook page at 4pm PST. We’ll see you there!
Christian Vegan? Myth 1: Vegans care more about animals than humans
Today we are showcasing an excellent video by Bailey Sargeant (the first in a series exposing myths about veganism.) Check it out, and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below!