What Does God Say About Sacrifice? (video)
In this video, Hebrew Bible expert Ross K Nichols presents the most compelling case I’ve heard against the animal sacrifice cult. Get your Bibles ready and follow along as he tells the story of the biblical prophets and their consistent divinely inspired opposition to the s
FNL # 96 – My kingdom is not of this world. (John 18:36)
Political systems of this world are intentionally polarizing and divisive. Jesus taught that one cannot serve two masters and that His kingdom is not of this world. In this week’s message, we encourage you to examine yourself: are you serving Jesus and His kingdom or is your al
Lolita the Beloved Orca Dies After Fifty Three Years at Miami Seaquarium
In Loving Memory of Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut (Lolita) It is with a very heavy heart that I write this memorial tribute to Lolita. Animal welfare activists everywhere are feeling a gambit of emotions – shock, sorrow, anger, frustration, disgust, outrage – for decades we have f
FNL # 95 – Balaam’s Donkey (Numbers 22:21-29)
Balaam’s donkey is one of my favorite hero characters in all of Scripture! No other character better portrays the heart of Jesus, saving those who continually abuse him and want him dead. In this week’s FNL, the topic is Balaam’s Donkey, and how we must strive t
Faith Seeking Food
Humans do not determine the value of animals. God does, and God’s evaluation is not strictly anthropocentric; God does not determine an animal’s value according to its usefulness to humans. This means animals do not exist exclusively for human use. An animal’s l
Will Animals, Including Our Pets, Live Again?
Chapter 40 of Heaven by Randy Alcorn Christ proclaims from his throne on the New Earth: “Behold, I am making all things new” (Revelation 21:5, ESV). It’s not just people who will be renewed but also the earth and “all things” in it. Do “all things” include animals
FNL # 94 – Is it Hypocritical for Christians to be non-vegan? (Matthew 23:23)
Jesus called out hypocrisy among religious people of His day, criticizing them for neglecting the most important instructions—those of justice, mercy, and faithfulness. Are non-vegan Christians guilty of neglecting justice, mercy, and faithfulness when it comes to their attitud