FNL # 118 – On Earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:10)
Are we living according to the perfect will of God now? Or are we waiting until Jesus returns? In this week’s talk we learn what the Bible says about God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven. We’re currently doing our live-streaming on Facebook, so if y
Why Every Christian Should Be Vegan To Honor God (video)
In this short video, Ryan Hicks talks about how we eat and how it exhibits our love toward creation and toward God. He gives an understanding of God’s compassion and love toward all beings, all of His creation. [Creation Care Church does not necessarily agree with all the point
FNL #117 – Are you seeking God with all your heart? (Jeremiah 29:13)
Jesus says the greatest command is to love God with all your heart. In order to fulfill this, you must first seek God, not halfheartedly, but with all your heart. In this week’s live talk we examine what the Bible says about seeking God wholeheartedly. We are currently doin
God Created Animals 3 – Vegan Outreach (video)
In John 17:20-21 Jesus prays for all to be united in Him through love, just as He is one with the Father. Creation Care Church member Brian Eardley made this wonderful video illustrating what it means to reflect the love of God to His whole creation. Check it out!
FNL #116 – Are we Undoing the Heavy Burdens? (Isaiah 58:6)
God commands us to undo the heavy burdens of those who are oppressed. When it comes to humans and animals who are burdened by exploitation for profit, are we undoing the heavy burdens or are we adding to them? In this week’s live talk, we examine this topic. Please share th
Top Ten Historical References to Jesus Outside of the Bible (video)
What do you say when someone claims Jesus never really existed? Check out this informative video packed full of historical evidence proving that Jesus existed.
FNL # 115 – Was there Cuddling in the Garden of Eden? (Ecc. 4:11)
Was cuddling part of God’s very good design for humans and animals? Did Adam and Eve cuddle with animals? Will there be cuddling with animals in the kingdom of heaven? Join this lighthearted talk to see what the Bible says about this topic! We are currently doing our livest
Was there Cuddling in Eden?
What type of relationship did God intend humans and animals to have? Was cuddling part of that very good design? Here is a fun article written a few years ago by Craig Wescoe on his Swords to Plowshares blog that examines the biblical evidence for this topic. Today we’re going