The pure love of animals ❤️
This beautiful video from Kinder World shows we are missing out on by failing to see animals as God sees them. [Creation Care Church does not necessarily agree with all the points of view of showcased content creators.]
FNL #135 – Create in Me a Clean Heart (Psalm 51:10)
What does it mean to have a clean heart? How is the heart connected to sin and death? What does it mean to forgive from the heart? In this week’s live talk we examine the importance of having a clean heart. We are now live-streaming on both Facebook and YouTube simultaneous
Jewish Veg – Rabbinic Statement (video)
People often say Jesus would have eaten a kashrut (kosher) diet that included “clean” animals, but even today it is acknowledged by many rabbis that vegan has always been the only true torah-approved form of kashrut. Jesus, as God’s ideal in human form, would ha
FNL # 134 – Is Truth for Everyone? (John 14:6)
Should we persuade others that Jesus is THE (objective) Truth or is truth subjective? How should a believer respond when someone says they don’t need the Bible to tell them what is right or wrong or about what is true? We’re now live-streaming on both Facebook and You
Preaching The Word Of God At A Slaughterhouse Lockdown!
Three years ago, Craig preached the Word of God in front of a group of animal activists at a slaughterhouse lockdown, praying that it would get shut down permanently. God has since answered his prayer, and that place of suffering is no longer in operation! We pray that all places
FNL # 133 – “You Must Become Like a Child to Enter the Kingdom” (Matthew 18:3)
Jesus says you must change and become like children to enter the Kingdom of God. What does this mean? What Scripture verses was Jesus referring to? Why is this significant for Christians and non-Christians alike? In this week’s live talk, we examine these questions. We̵
“The Whole Creation Has Been Groaning In Labour Pains” (Romans 8)
So much of what Jesus taught related to humanity’s obsession with wealth, possessions and power. Everything becomes a commodity and even God’s creatures are treated as such, as though they only exist for our convenience. But in Psalm 50, God’s response to those who try to g
FNL #132 – The Yoke of the Lord (Matthew 11:29)
What is the yoke of the Lord? How can we take His yoke upon us? What can the Jerusalem Council of Acts 15 and other early apostolic teachings tell us about this? In this week’s live talk, we examine these questions. We’re now live-streaming on YouTube and Facebook sim