FNL #143 – Does God answer the prayers of animals? (Psalm 147:9)
Psalm 147:9 says, “He provides food for the cattle and for the young ravens when they call.” This suggests God hears the voices of animals and responds favorably. Join us as we see what else the Bible says about God and His concern for animals. The whole creation is groaning
FNL #142 – Ten Times Wiser! (Daniel 1:20)
After taking a month off, Friday Night Live Talks are back! This week we are looking at Daniel and his friends, who refused to eat flesh and blood, and were found to be not only healthier but ten times wiser than everyone else! Join us as we examine the wisdom of God and the plan
Craig’s Interview on All-creatures.org
Craig was interviewed on August 1st by All-creatures.org. Watch as he shares some of his background and his faith, and as he answers questions about overcoming compassion fatigue and finding church community. [Creation Care Church does not necessarily agree with all the points of