Join us this Friday! Our FNL topic: Clothe yourself with compassion
Join us this Friday for our next live talk, entitled: Clothe yourself with compassion (Colossians 3:12) Please invite your non-vegan Christian friends if you want to spread this message of compassion for all creation! đź’š We go live on our Facebook page, at: 4PM PST / 7PM EST /
FNL # 72 – The Lord’s Prayer for Animals (Matthew 6:9-13)
Our Friday Night Live message this week is based on Matthew 6:9-13. How is the Lord’s prayer relevant to animals? If you want to catch us live, please connect with us on Facebook, as that is where we’re currently doing our live-streaming. And be sure to subscribe to o
FNL # 71 – Humbly pray, seek God, and turn from animal cruelty
In this week’s Friday Night Live, Craig discusses the idea that God forgives us and heals our land, when we humbly pray and turn from our wicked ways. (2 Chronicles 7:14) We examine the role animal cruelty plays in keeping us from knowing God as fully as He wants us to know
FNL #70 – Christian Vegan Apologetics: How to Give a Defense of Your Hope
In this week’s live message, Craig discusses Christian vegan apologetics, based on 1 Peter 3:15. If you’d like to catch us live, please connect with us on Facebook, as that is where we’re currently doing our livestreaming. And be sure to subscribe to our YouTube
Are Humans Superior to Animals? Join us this Friday for our next live talk!
Are Humans Superior to Animals? Join us this Friday, December 2, 2022 for our next Friday Night Live talk! Craig will be discussing Matthew 20:25-28 and the question of what it means to be superior. We go live on our Facebook page at 4PM PST / 6PM CST / 7PM EST / 12 Midnight UK.
Should our eternal perspective include animals? Join us this Friday to find out!
Join us this Friday, November 4, for our next Friday Night Live message! The topic will be: Should our eternal perspective include animals? Philippians 3:19. We go live on our Facebook page, at 4PST / 7EST. So be sure to connect with us there, to receive notifications. We’ll se
Join our next Friday Night Live! The topic: Living in the Spirit
We invite you to join us on Friday, October 7, at 4PST / 7EST for our next Friday Night Live message. We’re going to talk about Living in the Spirit. We go live on our Facebook page, so be sure to connect with us there, to receive notifications. We’ll see you then!
Join us this Friday for our next live talk: Jesus Fulfills the Fall Moedim
We invite you to join us this Friday, September 30, at 4PM PST for our next Friday Night Live message! The topic will be: Jesus Fulfills the Fall Moedim We go live on our Facebook page, so be sure to connect with us there, to receive notifications. We’ll see you then!
Friday Night Live #55 – God can change hearts
In this week’s live message, Craig discusses the topic of God’s ability to change hearts. If you’d like to catch us live, be sure to follow us on Facebook, as that is where we’re currently doing our livestreaming. And subscribe to our YouTube channel as we
Friday Night Live #50 – Genesis 9: God covenants with the animals
In this week’s live talk, Craig discusses the much overlooked truth that God covenants with the animals too, not only with humans. If you want to be notified of when we go live, be sure to follow us on Facebook, if you haven’t already. We go live on Friday evenings at