Will animals be in heaven? We’ll discuss this topic on Friday. Join us!
Join us this Friday, September 10, 5PT/8ET for our weekly Friday Night Live message. The topic Craig will be discussing this week is: Will animals be in heaven? If you’re not already connected to our Facebook page, please do so, as Facebook is where we are currently doing o
Join us on Friday, we’re going to talk about dominion!
Join us this Friday, September 3, for our Friday Night Live message. The topic will be: What does it mean that humanity has dominion in God’s image? We go live at 5 PM PST /8 PM EST on our Facebook page. We hope to see you there!
Join us for our official launch!
Less than 24 hours until the official launch!!! Join us this Friday evening at 8ET/5PT for a live talk and Q&A. The topic: How did nature get the way it is if predation wasn’t God’s design? If you’re on Facebook, be sure to “like” our CCC Facebook page,
A Closer Look At Dominion
As a Christian vegan, one of the most common objections to veganism that I encounter when talking to other Christians is, “But man was given dominion over the animals.” So I want to talk about this very important concept that I believe has been deeply misunderstood
Do Christians Have A Collective Blind Spot?
God’s nature In my 20 years as a born-again Christian, I have learned firsthand that God’s very nature is love, and from that love flows tender mercy and compassion. Throughout the scriptures, we can see that God has a heart for the downtrodden, the vulnerable, the weak and