Christian, Pro-Life, Vegan
In writing his article, Marcello Newall, from Shepherding All God’s Creatures blog, fleshes out what it means to be pro-life. He confronts the contemporary vegan movement at the time of Peter Singer with what had started as a movement for life becoming linked to the killing
How Jesus Changes Everything
1. How Jesus Changes Everything A central theme in Scripture is what is described as prolepsis. The famous German theologian Wolfhart Pannenberg described this as being the central theme of the Bible. Prolepsis refers to a narrative technique in which the story which is being tol
What 1 Timothy 4 is Really All About
Introduction to 1 Timothy 4:1-8 This article was certainly not an academic exercise for me but was the fruit of various painful experiences with both Christians and Churches. 1 Timothy 4:1-8 often seems to be the last refuge for Christians seeking to condemn veganism; while other
Noah, Meat Eating, And The Flood
This is Part One of a five part series by Marcello Newall, originally posted on the Shepherding All God’s Creatures blog. Be sure to check out the other parts through the links below:
The Bible and Veganism: 14 Answers to 14 Objections
In this short booklet I attempt to answer some of the most common objections to veganism from the Bible. I have tried to keep my answers concise but for certain objections longer explanations were necessary to clarify the points made.