Friday Night Live #14 – Did Jesus declare all foods clean?
In tonight’s live talk, Craig discusses the question: Did Jesus declare all foods clean? Follow us on Facebook if you haven’t already, as that is where we are currently doing our live-streaming.
Friday Night Live #13 – What does it mean to be a good steward of the earth?
In this live talk, Craig answers the question: What does it mean to be a good steward of the earth? Be sure to follow us on Facebook, as that is where we’re currently doing our live-streaming! Also, subscribe to our YouTube channel, to be notified of all our video content.
Friday Night Live #12 – What does it mean for a land to be flowing with milk and honey?
In tonight’s sermon, Craig addressed the question: What does it mean for a land to be flowing with milk and honey? We’d love to hear your thoughts, feel free to leave your comments below!
Friday Night Live #11 – Why in Numbers 11 does God say to eat as much meat as you desire?
In this sermon, Craig answers the question: Why in Numbers 11 does God say to eat as much meat as you desire? Be sure to connect with us on Facebook, as that is where we are currently doing our weekly live-streams on Friday evenings.
Friday Night Live #10: Why in Genesis 15 did Abram cut animals in half?
In this week’s Friday Night Live message, Craig addresses the question: Why in Genesis 15 did Abram cut animals in half? We go live every Friday evening on our Facebook page, so please connect with us there if you haven’t already. Also, subscribe to our YouTube channe
Friday Night Live #9 – Will God bring back the temple practice of animal sacrifices?
This week we are continuing our series on animal sacrifices. In this talk, Craig addresses the question: Will God bring back the temple practice of animal sacrifices? Be sure to connect with us on Facebook, as that is where we are currently doing our live-streaming.
Friday Night Live #8 – Why did God instruct animal sacrifices?
In this week’s live message, we started a series on animal sacrifices. The topic Craig discusses here is: Why did God instruct animal sacrifices? Be sure to follow us on Facebook, as that is where we are currently doing our live-streaming.
Friday Night Live #7 – Did God change His mind about animals after the flood?
In this live talk, Craig discusses the question “Did God change His mind about animals after the flood?” Be sure to follow our Facebook page, as that is where we are currently doing our live-streaming!
Friday Night Live #6 – Do animals have a soul?
In this week’s Friday night live message, Craig discussed the topic: Do animals have a soul? Followed by a Q & A. Be sure to connect with our Facebook page, as that is where we are currently doing our live-streaming on Friday evenings.
Friday Night Live #5 – Should we judge those who harm animals?
In this Friday Night Live message, Craig discusses the topic: Should we judge those who harm animals? Followed by a Q&A. If you’re not already connected with us on Facebook, please do so, as that is where we are currently doing our live streaming on Friday evenings.