“I love animals, yet I eat them.”
“But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” (James 1:27) “I love animals, yet I eat them.” How many times have you been a “hearer” of this statement from a friend or family member?
God created the world to be vegan!
God created the world through love because love is God’s nature. After creating a perfect habitat for every creature to flourish in harmony, God created humans in the image of God (in the image of love) to take care of every creature and to maintain the perfect habitat.
God owns the animals
The Bible is clear, all animals belong to God. God owns the animals and our job is to manage them and take care of them as image bearers of God. That means with love, kindness, mercy, respect and dignity. Enjoy the video!
Noah, Meat Eating, And The Flood
This is Part One of a five part series by Marcello Newall, originally posted on the Shepherding All God’s Creatures blog. Be sure to check out the other parts through the links below:
By what authority did Jesus replace the Levitical Priesthood?
By what authority did Jesus replace the Levitical priesthood with the Melchizedek priesthood? He is the Word of God, which gives Him all authority, but He always exercises that authority within the bounds of Scriptural laws and prophesy. In this video we explore how this change i
Hunting – What scripture says
As we approach the hunting season once again in Minnesota, USA, as well as in other parts of the USA and around the world, it is time to ask ourselves as Jesus followers if hunting is something we should be doing. What does the Bible say about hunting?
Animals Deserve & Are Meant To Have More Respect
What a week can bring! As this past week went on I was digesting some things I saw on tv and read about. Here are a few of them. A group of people on a tv show protesting certain companies that experiment on animals. A young girl in a movie holding two ducks she just […]
What Does the Bible Say About Veganism?
Does God want us to be vegans? Find out in this video we showcase by Living Lightly: “Theology enthusiast, David explains his research into what the Bible has to say about a vegan diet and the rights animals have to a peaceful life.”
Compassionate Call for Christ
This is a slide presentation I did called "Compassionate Call for Christ" that is about animal welfare as far as it relates to Christianity. I hope you will watch it and share it with others who care about God's nonhuman animals
The Bible and Veganism: 14 Answers to 14 Objections
In this short booklet I attempt to answer some of the most common objections to veganism from the Bible. I have tried to keep my answers concise but for certain objections longer explanations were necessary to clarify the points made.