Friday Night Live #13 – What does it mean to be a good steward of the earth?
In this live talk, Craig answers the question: What does it mean to be a good steward of the earth? Be sure to follow us on Facebook, as that is where we’re currently doing our live-streaming! Also, subscribe to our YouTube channel, to be notified of all our video content.
Noah, Meat Eating, And The Flood
This is Part One of a five part series by Marcello Newall, originally posted on the Shepherding All God’s Creatures blog. Be sure to check out the other parts through the links below:
Hunting – What scripture says
As we approach the hunting season once again in Minnesota, USA, as well as in other parts of the USA and around the world, it is time to ask ourselves as Jesus followers if hunting is something we should be doing. What does the Bible say about hunting?
Animals Deserve & Are Meant To Have More Respect
What a week can bring! As this past week went on I was digesting some things I saw on tv and read about. Here are a few of them. A group of people on a tv show protesting certain companies that experiment on animals. A young girl in a movie holding two ducks she just […]
What Does the Bible Say About Veganism?
Does God want us to be vegans? Find out in this video we showcase by Living Lightly: “Theology enthusiast, David explains his research into what the Bible has to say about a vegan diet and the rights animals have to a peaceful life.”
A Closer Look At Dominion
As a Christian vegan, one of the most common objections to veganism that I encounter when talking to other Christians is, “But man was given dominion over the animals.” So I want to talk about this very important concept that I believe has been deeply misunderstood
An Enemy Has Done This – Part Two
Destroying Creation Destroys God’s Revelation In Part One, we left off with a series of questions. Let’s look into the last one, “How does the enemy lie, divide, and conquer within animal welfare outreach efforts we try for God’s Kingdom?” Psalm 19:1-4 “The heavens