The Bible and Veganism: 14 Answers to 14 Objections
In this short booklet I attempt to answer some of the most common objections to veganism from the Bible. I have tried to keep my answers concise but for certain objections longer explanations were necessary to clarify the points made.
An Enemy Has Done This – Part Two
Destroying Creation Destroys God’s Revelation In Part One, we left off with a series of questions. Let’s look into the last one, “How does the enemy lie, divide, and conquer within animal welfare outreach efforts we try for God’s Kingdom?” Psalm 19:1-4 “The heavens
An Enemy Has Done This – Part One
I work for a county probation department in the United States. I noticed a co-worker had dropped a piece of her garment, a flower ensemble made of feathers. It was pretty. Yet as an animal advocate, I get concerned whenever I see animal products whether for food or clothing being
Do Christians Have A Collective Blind Spot?
God’s nature In my 20 years as a born-again Christian, I have learned firsthand that God’s very nature is love, and from that love flows tender mercy and compassion. Throughout the scriptures, we can see that God has a heart for the downtrodden, the vulnerable, the weak and
Suffering Of The Innocents – Part One
During a recent nostalgic visit to my birthplace, I stood for a while gazing at the house where virtually all of my childhood memories of my mother have been. She died when I was just four years old, following a long battle with cancer, leaving my father to look after three
Did Jesus declare all foods clean?
Did Jesus declare all foods clean when he said what goes into a person does not defile them? Jesus says, “It is not what goes into the mouth that makes a person unclean. It is what comes out of the mouth that makes a person unclean” (Matthew 15:11; Mark 7:15).
Did God Give Permission to Eat Animals after the Flood?
People often cite Genesis 9 as irrefutable proof that God changed his mind about the original dietary instructions, adding animals to the menu. In this video we take a closer look at the conversation between God and Noah in Genesis 8 and 9 and consider it in the context of
Hey Vegans, God Gave Us Dominion Over Animals!
In Genesis 1:28 God tells humans to have dominion over all the animals. What does that mean? Does it mean we can do whatever we want to animals or does it mean something different?