“All the same” by Katie White

Today we’re showcasing a beautiful and moving song by vegan singer/songwriter Katie White. (Olive Wood Vegan)

This song was written to demonstrate how humans and animals are the same in the ways that matter: the ability to feel hope, fear and pain. She also highlights how we are all innately animal lovers, but we are conditioned to think that our differences with them are so great that it warrants our callous treatment of them.

Let us get back to the love and peace among all creation that was God’s intention from the start. If you love this song like we do, please do share it with your non-vegan friends and family!


Into this world they come
Innocent as anyone
Behind every pair of eyes
Are they exact same desires as you and I
A will to survive
A heart that beats for life
Yeah hope and fear and pain
Really we are all the same

But we’re taught to draw a line
With them and us on either side
Forget the love with which you’re born
Leave your feelings at the door
But they’ve stolen your compassion
The same day they said
Ask no questions get told no lies
Yeah hope and fear and pain
Really we are all the same

Walking blindly down a road, to nowhere
Who’s holding your hand, do they really care?
Why not question what you’re told behind everything that’s taught
Something is sold

And into this world they come
Innocent as anyone
Behind every pair of eyes
Are they exact same desires as you and I
A will to survive
A heart that beats for life
Yeah hope and fear and pain
Really we are all the same

1 Comment

  • Samantha Bray

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful song by Katie Wight. I picked it up on local crowdsave Facebook group where it had been used and credited on a short video of animals arriving at a slaughterhouse. I will be including it (with credit to the wonderful Katie) in the suite of protest songs that I am building for eventual performance as a solo singer. My heartfelt thanks to you and to Katie.

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