Hunter Ran Down Wolf With Snowmobile, Tortured the Injured Animal at a Bar Before Killing Her
I was devastated to hear the news about a young female wolf who was tortured in Wyoming, USA. As The Guardian states, “A Wyoming hunter who reportedly ran over a gray wolf with a snowmobile, taped the creature’s mouth shut, took a picture with it inside a local bar and th
Eating Mercifully
This short documentary from the U.S Humane Society explores Christian perspectives on factory farming. A growing number of Christians are changing their diet and consumer purchases because the way animals are treated in factory farms is inconsistent with their beliefs.Â
Animals Deserve & Are Meant To Have More Respect
What a week can bring! As this past week went on I was digesting some things I saw on tv and read about. Here are a few of them. A group of people on a tv show protesting certain companies that experiment on animals. A young girl in a movie holding two ducks she just […]
Suffering Of The Innocents – Part One
During a recent nostalgic visit to my birthplace, I stood for a while gazing at the house where virtually all of my childhood memories of my mother have been. She died when I was just four years old, following a long battle with cancer, leaving my father to look after three