Was there Cuddling in Eden?
What type of relationship did God intend humans and animals to have? Was cuddling part of that very good design? Here is a fun article written a few years ago by Craig Wescoe on his Swords to Plowshares blog that examines the biblical evidence for this topic. Today we’re going
What the Bible Has to Say About Plant-Based Diets and Animal Rights (video)
Dr. Milton Mills is a critical care and internal medicine physician, a well-known vegan speaker, and a Christian! In this video Dr. Mills discusses the Biblical perspective of plant-based eating and animal rights. The vegan community is very blessed to have Dr. Milton Mills on ou
Friday Night Live #21 – Did God kill an animal when clothing Adam and Eve?
In tonight’s live talk, Craig addressed the question: Did God kill an animal when clothing Adam and Eve? There are many different possibilities as to what actually happened, and in this message Craig dives into the different ideas, to see which one is the most plausible