Come to Me All You Who Are Weary
A word of encouragement and a prayer for all who are weary of the tragic events taking place all over the world – the wars; the political divisiveness and violence; the power struggles, corruption, and deceit inherent in nearly every pillar of society – leaving us oft
FNL #116 – Are we Undoing the Heavy Burdens? (Isaiah 58:6)
God commands us to undo the heavy burdens of those who are oppressed. When it comes to humans and animals who are burdened by exploitation for profit, are we undoing the heavy burdens or are we adding to them? In this week’s live talk, we examine this topic. Please share th
FNL # 91 – Are we treating animals how we want to be treated? (Matthew 7:12)
Jesus gave us a golden rule for how to treat others (Matthew 7:12) but when it comes to how animals are impacted by our lifestyle choices, are we considering how they are treated? Do we want to be treated the way animals are treated in factory farms, slaughterhouses, vivisection
Love God, Love Animals
This week’s showcased content is from Craig’s website, Swords to Plowshares. In this article, Craig discusses how God has always wanted us to be compassionate and loving toward animals, contrary to several common interpretations of the bible. Right now, at this very m
FNL # 85 – Multiplying Loaves of Compassion (John 6)
This coming Sunday is the annual Day of Pentecost or Feast of Weeks where Jesus multiplied the loaves. What was the purpose of this miracle and did He multiply fish or only loaves? In this week’s live talk titled ‘Multiplying Loaves of Compassion’ Craig discusse
Rescued dog gets a new lease on life
This sweet rescued dog gets a new lease on life – and a completely new location and country! What a journey! Proverbs 24:11-12: Rescue the perishing; don’t hesitate to step in and help. If you say, “Hey, that’s none of my business,” will that get you
Let’s Avoid Unnecessary Harm This Lent – Pioneer Minister Nicky Pybus
Why is it that, if our natural inclination is to care for and protect animals, we choose to eat some animals – pigs, sheep, cows, chickens – while the very thought of eating other animals – cats, dogs, guinea pigs – fills us with disgust? In this week’s showcased it
FNL # 74- Clothe yourself with compassion (Colossians 3:12)
God calls us to embody His character traits as we live in the world He created. The Epistle to the Colossians lists a handful of these traits. Are we clothing ourselves in the garments of righteousness that God gives us to be clothed in? What about when it comes to how we treat a
Join us this Friday! Our FNL topic: Clothe yourself with compassion
Join us this Friday for our next live talk, entitled: Clothe yourself with compassion (Colossians 3:12) Please invite your non-vegan Christian friends if you want to spread this message of compassion for all creation! đź’š We go live on our Facebook page, at: 4PM PST / 7PM EST /
Friday Night Live # 62 – Be Merciful (Luke 6:36)
In this week’s live talk Craig goes over Luke 6, with a focus on verse 36 – Be merciful, just as your father is merciful. We do our livestreaming on Facebook, so if you want to catch us live, please connect with us there. And if you’re not already subscribed, pl