What the Bible Has to Say About Plant-Based Diets and Animal Rights (video)
Dr. Milton Mills is a critical care and internal medicine physician, a well-known vegan speaker, and a Christian! In this video Dr. Mills discusses the Biblical perspective of plant-based eating and animal rights. The vegan community is very blessed to have Dr. Milton Mills on ou
Friday Night Live #26 – Is Creation Care Relevant to the Gospel?
In tonight’s Friday Night Live talk, Craig addresses the question: “In what way is creation care relevant to the Gospel?” Be sure to connect with us on Facebook, as well as YouTube, to be notified of all our live messages!
Friday Night Live #23 – Did God create animals to be eaten as food?
In tonight’s Friday Night Live talk, Craig addresses the question: Did God create animals to be eaten as food? If you’re not already connected to us on Facebook, we invite you to do so, as that is where we are currently doing our live streaming. And be sure to subscri
Did God create animals to be eaten as food? Join us Friday!
Join us this Friday, February 4, 2022, for our next Friday Night Live message. The topic this week will be: Did God create animals to be eaten as food? We go live on our Facebook page, so if you’re not already connected to us there, please do so! We’ll see you on Frid
Should Our Eternal Perspective Include Animals?
This blog post was originally published on livemercifully.com, posted here with permission. Throughout the Bible, we are told to have an eternal perspective. We are reminded that this life is temporary; a “vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.”
God created the world to be vegan!
God created the world through love because love is God’s nature. After creating a perfect habitat for every creature to flourish in harmony, God created humans in the image of God (in the image of love) to take care of every creature and to maintain the perfect habitat.
What Does the Bible Say About Veganism?
Does God want us to be vegans? Find out in this video we showcase by Living Lightly: “Theology enthusiast, David explains his research into what the Bible has to say about a vegan diet and the rights animals have to a peaceful life.”
Friday Night Live #2 – What Does The Bible Say About Hunting? – August 27, 2021
God created humans to be gardeners, not hunters. The two hunters mentioned by name in the Bible are described as enemies of God. God places restrictions on hunting that carry steep penalties if not strictly adhered to, one of which may not even be physically possible to adhere to
Friday Night Live #1 – Was Predation God’s Design? – August 20, 2021
Creation Care Church officially launched last night, with our first live message, on Facebook! Our first message was: How did nature get the way it is if predation wasn’t God’s design? followed by a Q&A. Check it out, and be sure to follow our Facebook page to