FNL #155 – What does the Bible say about milk?
What does the Bible say about milk? What was the purpose behind God designing some creatures to produce milk? What can we learn from the Bible about what milk is for and what it is not for? In this talk we discuss these questions! “And it happened, as He spoke these things, tha
FNL #154 – Are we reaping the violence we sow toward animals?
Violence toward animals is so normalized in the world we live in. Are we reaping the effects of this violence? In this live talk we explore what the Bible says about reaping what we sow. “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap
FNL #153 – The Seventh Day of Creation
What is the significance of God resting on the 7th day of creation? Why was it set apart as holy? Why is it the sign of His covenant? How do we enter into that rest? Can animals enter it too? In this live talk we consider the 7th day of creation! “Then God blessed the […
FNL #152 – The Gospel of James
The earliest narrative of the birth of Jesus is found in the Gospel of James (from which the first two chapters of Matthew and Luke were primarily derived). In this live talk we explore the original story of the miracles surrounding the birth of our Savior! “And the angel answe
FNL #151 – The Greatness of God (1 Chronicles 29:11)
How awesome is our God! And how wonderful is our God for designing the world to be vegan! And how wise that God called it very good! And how loving is our God for saving us and for guaranteeing that everything will one day be restored to the very good way He designed it to [&hell
FNL #150 – Is your body a temple for the Holy Spirit or is it a grave of craving? (1 Cor 6:19)
In 1 Corinthians we are told that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. Are we treating them as such by filling them with the LIFE-GIVING foods that God said are very good? Or are we treating our bodies as a grave of craving, filling them with LIFE-DESTROYING products of dea
FNL #149 – Be not among riotous eaters of flesh! (Proverbs 23:20)
In Proverbs 23:20 it says not to be among riotous eaters of flesh. What does that mean? How can we apply this biblical principle to our lives today? What should we do about gatherings that involve riotous flesh-eating? We’re now live-streaming on Facebook and YouTube simult
FNL #148 – Every creature will praise God! (REVELATION 5:13)
People often try to differentiate between humans and animals, saying animals cannot praise God. But is that what the Bible says? In this live talk we look at what the Scriptures say about humans and animals praising God. We’re now live-streaming on both YouTube and Facebook
FNL #147 – Be as shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves (Matthew 10:16)
The devil has been scheming from the beginning, attempting to lure people away from following God. In this live talk we discuss how he continues to trick the world into choosing destruction and deception instead of faithful obedience to God’s way of peace and truth—an
FNL #146 – Special Blessing of the Animals Service
In this special FNL, we’re doing our first ever service where we pray over individual animals by name. We also have a short message at the beginning. Thank you to everyone who submitted photos and info on your animals! We’re now live-streaming on both YouTube and Fa