Metal singer performs “Amazing Grace”
An amazing vocalist, Dan Vasc, sings Amazing Grace like none other! Have a listen… [Creation Care Church does not necessarily agree with all the points of view of showcased content creators.]
FNL # 122 – God remembers the animals, and so should we! (Gen. 8:1)
In this week’s message, we examine the instances in which God remembers the animals throughout Scripture, and how He calls us to likewise not forget them! We are currently doing our live-streaming on Facebook, so if you want to catch us live, please connect with us on Faceb
Guy Finds Hermit Crabs Living In Plastic And Offers Them New Shells (video)
Hermit crabs who were living in plastic on the beach have the best reaction when this guy offers them new shells! ✨ What an amazing way to help out God’s creatures, those that like mice and rats and other lowly creatures, are all but forgotten. [Creation Care Church does
FNL # 121 – The Armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-18)
The letter to the Ephesians tells us to put on the full armor of God to prepare us for spiritual battle. In this week’s talk we examine what this means, how to do it, and why it is so important. We’re currently doing our live-streaming on Facebook. So if you want to c
Go Vegan For Lent!
Lots of people within and outside the Church give up something for Lent. During this time, many Christians do this as a way of drawing closer to God. For those who observe Lent, we suggest encouraging people to give up animal products for 40 days and do a Daniel fast, based on Da
FNL # 120 – Misconceptions About Biblical Veganism (1 Timothy 4:1-4)
There are many misconceptions about biblical veganism, ranging from claims that veganism is unbiblical, to claims that it is a liberal, new age doctrine of demons. In this week’s talk we dispel some of the most common misconceptions about biblical veganism. We’re curr
Who is Creation Care Church – Vegan Outreach Promo (video)
One of our CCC members put together this video about us. It’s great to see people who have a platform spread the message of biblical veganism and tell others about Creation Care Church. Thank you, Brian, for doing this awesome video!
FNL # 119 – When Will Bow and Sword Be Abolished? (Hosea 2:18)
God promises in Hosea 2:18 and other verses that one day bow and sword will be abolished. What will this look like? When will it happen? Who did God promise this to? In this week’s talk we examine each of these questions. We’re currently doing our live-streaming on Fa