In Loving Memory Of Smokey
As I write, I’m sitting on the sofa where our beloved cat, Smokey, would come and lay across my lap, purring loudly, his head dangling, and his legs angled in all directions, as I reached over him to work on my lap-top! I now have time to reflect. Smutty In August 2013, we had
“The Whole Creation Has Been Groaning In Labour Pains” (Romans 8)
So much of what Jesus taught related to humanity’s obsession with wealth, possessions and power. Everything becomes a commodity and even God’s creatures are treated as such, as though they only exist for our convenience. But in Psalm 50, God’s response to those who try to g
Go Vegan For Lent!
Lots of people within and outside the Church give up something for Lent. During this time, many Christians do this as a way of drawing closer to God. For those who observe Lent, we suggest encouraging people to give up animal products for 40 days and do a Daniel fast, based on Da
Are You A Good Christian Steward . . . Or Has Your Love Grown Cold? Part Two
Whatever the circumstances in which we’re called to live out our faith, we should always be awake to the stewardship of God’s creation, our very first job description. What does ACTIVE waiting for God’s Peaceable Kingdom look like in our lives and in our churches? May we no
Are You A Good Christian Steward? Or Has Your Love Grown Cold? Pt 1
We’re all fallen & must not judge one another. But this is not easy if Christ’s followers are constantly seen to be “passing by on the other side” when it comes to caring about His animal kingdom. When Jesus returns, He will expect more of His followers than of other
Are All Faiths Of Equal Value? Part Three
As numerous ‘caring’ concerns are leaning towards New Age philosophies, many Christians shun these concerns, including animal welfare. Tragically, thousands of Christians are paralysed with fear, suspecting these genuine concerns as being of the devil. But what we should be d
A Whirlpool Of Attitudes
This week’s showcased item is by Roslyne Smith, originally posted on Shepherding All God’s Creatures. The task of Christian Animal Welfarists has always been twofold: First, to persuade our fellow Christians that a concern for the wellbeing and rights of animals is no
Animal Christian Concern (ACC) on vivisection
This week we’re showcasing an article on vivisection from Roslyne’s book, Animal Welfare: Through the Cross, A collection of Animal Christian Concern Articles. This was part of a reply by May Tripp in answer to questions from a secular animal welfarist. (1993)
Why Animals Should Not Be Used For Research
Written in response to a letter supporting the use of animals in medical research (1995) Whilst opposing the use of animals in experimentation, I must say that I feel great compassion for all people suffering from any kind of illness and can fully understand their frustration. I
Suffering Of The Innocents – Part One
During a recent nostalgic visit to my birthplace, I stood for a while gazing at the house where virtually all of my childhood memories of my mother have been. She died when I was just four years old, following a long battle with cancer, leaving my father to look after three