The Immortal Jellyfish
Unbelievers often ridicule the idea of eating from the tree of life and living forever, but we need only look to nature to reveal God’s power and handiwork. A creature that is dubbed the ‘immortal jellyfish’ is able to repeatedly restart its life cycle, giving u
FNL #70 – Christian Vegan Apologetics: How to Give a Defense of Your Hope
In this week’s live message, Craig discusses Christian vegan apologetics, based on 1 Peter 3:15. If you’d like to catch us live, please connect with us on Facebook, as that is where we’re currently doing our livestreaming. And be sure to subscribe to our YouTube
Unlikely Animal Friends
Some favorite passages of CCC are found in Isaiah. They are what we look to when we think of the future when God ushers in his kingdom; it is our hope, and what we long for. It is God’s promise to us and so we trust in him that he will make it come to […]
FNL # 69 – What is Biblical Veganism?
In this week’s Friday Night Live talk, Craig discusses biblical veganism, and brings up some contrasts and comparisons with secular veganism. The key verse is 1 Corinthians 13:13. We are currently doing our live-streaming on Facebook, so if you want to catch us live, please
Lab Grown Meat – Is This Biblical?
Humanity lives in unprecedented times. The technology we have at our fingertips is both amazing and makes our lives easier, more comfortable and convenient, but it often comes at a high price for the rest of creation. Today, we share with you an article from the Shepherding All G
Are All Faiths Of Equal Value? Part Three
As numerous ‘caring’ concerns are leaning towards New Age philosophies, many Christians shun these concerns, including animal welfare. Tragically, thousands of Christians are paralysed with fear, suspecting these genuine concerns as being of the devil. But what we should be d
FNL # 68 – Proverbs 31:8 – Be A Voice For The Voiceless
In this week’s Friday Night Live talk, Craig discusses Proverbs 31:8 – Be a voice for the voiceless. We are currently doing our live-streaming on Facebook, so if you want to catch us live, be sure to connect with us there. And please subscribe to our YouTube channel to be
Squirrel Saved From Hurricane Has Her Own Mini Teddy Bear And Won’t Let Go Of It
A lovely and uplifting story originally posted on about a baby squirrel who was rescued during a hurricane. This is a shadow of what is to come in the new age when Jesus ushers in the eternal kingdom! There are many of these kinds of videos today, with all sorts