Meekness Is Not Weakness + How Meekness Aligns with Biblical Veganism
We can know right off the bat that meekness is not weakness, because Jesus Himself – who was God incarnate – described Himself as meek. “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” – Matthew 11:29 Ob
There will be a day….
There will be a day when predation, violence, and the evil ways of this world will be no more. The Bible talks about a future restoration of the initial beautiful world of peace and harmony that was GOD’s intent from the start.(Isaiah 11:6-9) This short reel gives a little glim
Seek Peace – Psalm 34:14
Are you seeking peace? This short 3-minute video describes what the shalom of God really is and how harming animals is antithetical to it. Please watch and share this message with friends!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Join us this Friday!
People often say they can never go vegan because of their habits or because temptations to consume products of animal cruelty are too strong. But can these habits and temptations be overcome? Yes! Through the power of Christ who strengthens us, we can do all things! Join us on Fa
What Does It Mean To Be Superior?
As we all know, the overwhelming majority of the world believes that it’s normal, natural and necessary to eat and use animals, as we see fit. This predominant belief system (named Carnism by psychologist and author Melanie Joy, in 2001) is so widespread and deeply ingrained th
Why did God create the Garden of Eden vegan? Join us this Friday!
Join us for our next Friday Night Live message: Why did God create the Garden of Eden vegan? (Genesis 1:29-30) If you have any non-vegan Christian friends or family you want to reach, invite them to this talk! We go live on our Facebook page, at: 4PM PST / 7PM EST / 12 Midnight U
Romans 13:10 – Love Does No Harm (video)
This video is part of a series of videos on scriptures that support veganism, from Live Mercifully. In this video we’re looking at Romans 13:10 – Love does no harm to a neighbor. If you haven’t checked out the other videos in this series, please do so here. If y
The Unseen Realm – documentary film with Dr. Michael Heiser
God’s plan is to restore heaven and earth together as Eden, and we as believers are the sacred ground in which God dwells. This amazing documentary featuring Dr. Michael Heiser sheds light on the spiritual dimension of God’s plan of redemption. Let us treat ourselves
Romans 14:15 – Are you walking in love? Join us this Friday!
Join us this Friday, April 21 2023, for our next live talk, the topic will be Romans 14:15 – Are you walking in love? If you want to see the creation care message spread, please invite your Christian friends or family who are not yet vegan, or share the replay. We go live o
Are we being faithful and wise stewards of God’s household? Join us this Friday!
Are we being faithful and wise stewards of God’s household? (Matthew 24:45) Join us this Friday, March 17, 2023 for our next Friday Night Live message! We go live on our Facebook page, at 4PST / 7EST, so be sure to connect with us there, to receive notifications. We’ll se