There will be a day….
There will be a day when predation, violence, and the evil ways of this world will be no more. The Bible talks about a future restoration of the initial beautiful world of peace and harmony that was GOD’s intent from the start.(Isaiah 11:6-9) This short reel gives a little glim
FNL # 119 – When Will Bow and Sword Be Abolished? (Hosea 2:18)
God promises in Hosea 2:18 and other verses that one day bow and sword will be abolished. What will this look like? When will it happen? Who did God promise this to? In this week’s talk we examine each of these questions. We’re currently doing our live-streaming on Fa
A Beloved Swan Named Faye Who Lived in an Upstate NY Pond, Killed and Eaten
Over the Memorial Day weekend at the Manlius Swan Pond in a Syracuse suburb, New York, USA, three teens hopped a fence overnight, capturing Faye, a beloved Mute swan, brutally killing her. Faye and Manny, her mate, had four cygnets who were stolen, leaving Manny alone. Those who
The World’s Most Unlikely Animal Relationships from Real Wild
The Bible depicts animals as being created by God to live peacefully alongside each other as friends. Natural philosophers often claim the Bible is wrong and they appeal to science to prove that animals are naturally predatory enemies of each other. These examples of interspecies
FNL # 80 – How beautiful are the feet of those who proclaim the (vegan) kingdom of God!
In this week’s live message, Craig discusses the topic: How beautiful are the feet of those who proclaim the (vegan) kingdom of God! based on Isaiah 52:7. We’re currently doing our live-streaming on Facebook, so if you want to catch us live, be sure to connect with us
FNL # 79 – Will Animals be Resurrected to Eternal Life in God’s Kingdom? (1 Corinthians 15:20)
In this week’s live talk, Craig discusses the topic: Will Animals be Resurrected to Eternal Life in God’s Kingdom? We go live on Fridays at 4PM Pacific time on our Facebook page. So if you want to catch us live, be sure to connect with us there! And subscribe to our YouTu
Unlikely Animal Friends
Some favorite passages of CCC are found in Isaiah. They are what we look to when we think of the future when God ushers in his kingdom; it is our hope, and what we long for. It is God’s promise to us and so we trust in him that he will make it come to […]
What does the Bible say about eating animals?
This week’s showcased item is a short video from Million Dollar Vegan: What does the Bible say about eating animals? “What does the Bible say about how God intended for us to treat animals? What’s the difference between eating a dog and eating a cow? Why show be
Friday Night Live #26 – Is Creation Care Relevant to the Gospel?
In tonight’s Friday Night Live talk, Craig addresses the question: “In what way is creation care relevant to the Gospel?” Be sure to connect with us on Facebook, as well as YouTube, to be notified of all our live messages!
Should Our Eternal Perspective Include Animals?
This blog post was originally published on, posted here with permission. Throughout the Bible, we are told to have an eternal perspective. We are reminded that this life is temporary; a “vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.”