“The Whole Creation Has Been Groaning In Labour Pains” (Romans 8)
So much of what Jesus taught related to humanity’s obsession with wealth, possessions and power. Everything becomes a commodity and even God’s creatures are treated as such, as though they only exist for our convenience. But in Psalm 50, God’s response to those who try to g
Eating Mercifully
This short documentary from the U.S Humane Society explores Christian perspectives on factory farming. A growing number of Christians are changing their diet and consumer purchases because the way animals are treated in factory farms is inconsistent with their beliefs.Â
An Enemy Has Done This – Part One
I work for a county probation department in the United States. I noticed a co-worker had dropped a piece of her garment, a flower ensemble made of feathers. It was pretty. Yet as an animal advocate, I get concerned whenever I see animal products whether for food or clothing being