Mercy And Animal Sacrifice
Why did God ask for animal sacrifices? The most straightforward answer, if you look through the Old Testament books, is that the purpose of animal sacrifice was to atone for sin (Exodus 29:36). But then it tells us in Hebrews 10:4, “It is impossible for the blood of
Why did God distinguish between clean and unclean animals?
Bible verses mentioned in the video: “And God said, ‘See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.'” (Genesis 1:29, NKJV) “But you shall not eat
A Closer Look At Dominion
As a Christian vegan, one of the most common objections to veganism that I encounter when talking to other Christians is, “But man was given dominion over the animals.” So I want to talk about this very important concept that I believe has been deeply misunderstood
Why Deception Rules The World
Humanity was created in the image of love for the purpose of walking in truth, but we fell victim to deception and began living a lie. Deception has since become the ruler of this world, even today. What was that original deception that lured us away from God? Find out
The Bible and Veganism: 14 Answers to 14 Objections
In this short booklet I attempt to answer some of the most common objections to veganism from the Bible. I have tried to keep my answers concise but for certain objections longer explanations were necessary to clarify the points made.
An Enemy Has Done This – Part Two
Destroying Creation Destroys God’s Revelation In Part One, we left off with a series of questions. Let’s look into the last one, “How does the enemy lie, divide, and conquer within animal welfare outreach efforts we try for God’s Kingdom?” Psalm 19:1-4 “The heavens
An Enemy Has Done This – Part One
I work for a county probation department in the United States. I noticed a co-worker had dropped a piece of her garment, a flower ensemble made of feathers. It was pretty. Yet as an animal advocate, I get concerned whenever I see animal products whether for food or clothing being