Does the Gospel have anything to do with creation care? (video)
Is creation care a distraction from or an outpouring of our salvation? Check out this short video that investigates this question. [Creation Care Church does not necessarily agree with all the points of view of showcased content creators.]
“The Whole Creation Has Been Groaning In Labour Pains” (Romans 8)
So much of what Jesus taught related to humanity’s obsession with wealth, possessions and power. Everything becomes a commodity and even God’s creatures are treated as such, as though they only exist for our convenience. But in Psalm 50, God’s response to those who try to g
Why Should Christians Challenge Factory Farming? | VEGAN VICARS
Most people don’t realize that around 94% of farm animals in the world (99% in the US) are factory-farmed. Here’s a short video that discusses why Christians should be against factory farming. [Creation Care Church does not necessarily agree with all the points of view of sho
Why Should Christians Care About Animals? | VEGAN VICARS | Part 1
Is the Church behind the times when it comes to engaging with animal issues? It’s time for CHANGE! In this short video, seven vegan clergy discuss pressing animal concerns and call for a greater church engagement with the vegan community. [Creation Care Church does not nece
Faith Seeking Food
Humans do not determine the value of animals. God does, and God’s evaluation is not strictly anthropocentric; God does not determine an animal’s value according to its usefulness to humans. This means animals do not exist exclusively for human use. An animal’s l
Are You A Good Christian Steward? Or Has Your Love Grown Cold? Pt 1
We’re all fallen & must not judge one another. But this is not easy if Christ’s followers are constantly seen to be “passing by on the other side” when it comes to caring about His animal kingdom. When Jesus returns, He will expect more of His followers than of other
Love God, Love Animals
This week’s showcased content is from Craig’s website, Swords to Plowshares. In this article, Craig discusses how God has always wanted us to be compassionate and loving toward animals, contrary to several common interpretations of the bible. Right now, at this very m
Christian, Pro-Life, Vegan
In writing his article, Marcello Newall, from Shepherding All God’s Creatures blog, fleshes out what it means to be pro-life. He confronts the contemporary vegan movement at the time of Peter Singer with what had started as a movement for life becoming linked to the killing
FNL # 83 – How does God feel about those who destroy the earth? (Revelation 11:18)
In this week’s message, Craig discusses the question “How does God feel about those who destroy the earth?” based on Revelation 11:18 and other scriptures. If you want to catch us live, please connect with us on Facebook as that is where we are currently doing o
FNL # 77 – Are we being faithful and wise stewards over God’s household? (Matthew 24:45)
In this week’s Friday Night Live message, Craig discusses stewardship, based on Matthew 24:45. Are we being faithful and wise stewards over God’s household? We go live Friday evenings on Facebook, so if you want to catch us live, please connect with us there! And subscrib