EDEN (A film by Ben Ouaniche)
A thought-provoking short film with a powerful message. Here is the YouTube description: As we stand at the crossroads of progress and oblivion, with destiny balanced upon our fingertip, We must gaze into the mirror and wonder: Are we masters of our fate or prisoners of our natur
The Animal Liberation Hour by AAM /// with Craig Wescoe
Was Jesus vegan? Do animals go to Heaven? Craig answers these questions and much, much more in his guest appearance on The Animal Liberation Hour. [Creation Care Church does not necessarily agree with all the points of view of showcased content creators.]
Craig’s Interview on All-creatures.org
Craig was interviewed on August 1st by All-creatures.org. Watch as he shares some of his background and his faith, and as he answers questions about overcoming compassion fatigue and finding church community. [Creation Care Church does not necessarily agree with all the points of
While doing street outreach a few years ago, Craig had a Bible conversation with Big Joe, who said he would go vegan! Be sure to watch until the end and share.
Does the Gospel have anything to do with creation care? (video)
Is creation care a distraction from or an outpouring of our salvation? Check out this short video that investigates this question. [Creation Care Church does not necessarily agree with all the points of view of showcased content creators.]
Ask the animals and they will teach you (Job 12:7)
Ask the animals and they will teach you…. [Creation Care Church does not necessarily agree with all the points of view of showcased content creators.]
Should Vegans Empathize With Meat-Eaters?
According to psychological research on the topic, empathetic listening is one of our greatest tools for outreaching people to go vegan. Check out this 15-minute video with some great tips on improving our ability to increase the number of vegans in church and in the world. [Creat
The pure love of animals ❤️
This beautiful video from Kinder World shows we are missing out on by failing to see animals as God sees them. [Creation Care Church does not necessarily agree with all the points of view of showcased content creators.]
Jewish Veg – Rabbinic Statement (video)
People often say Jesus would have eaten a kashrut (kosher) diet that included “clean” animals, but even today it is acknowledged by many rabbis that vegan has always been the only true torah-approved form of kashrut. Jesus, as God’s ideal in human form, would ha
Preaching The Word Of God At A Slaughterhouse Lockdown!
Three years ago, Craig preached the Word of God in front of a group of animal activists at a slaughterhouse lockdown, praying that it would get shut down permanently. God has since answered his prayer, and that place of suffering is no longer in operation! We pray that all places