Victory! Court Spares the Lives of Over 100 Pigs at Rome Sanctuary
These pigs were being threatened to be killed due to African swine fever in the region. Authorities wanted to curb the spread of the disease, and euthanize the sanctuary’s pigs. The sanctuary’s facilities are in compliance with biosecurity rules to prevent the spread of d
FNL # 60 – Looking ahead to the heavenly reward
In this week’s Friday Night Live message, Craig discussed Looking Ahead to the Heavenly Reward (Hebrews 11:26). We go live on Facebook – Friday evenings 4PM PST / 7PM EST – so be sure to connect with us there if you want to be notified when we go live.
Father Frank Mann’s Awakening to Compassion for Animals
This powerful testimony shows how advocacy for animals works in changing minds and hearts. (It was a billboard saying “why love one and eat the other?” that caused his change).
FNL # 59 – Proverbs 12:10 – The Righteous Care for the Animals
In this week’s live talk, Craig goes over Proverbs 12, with a focus on verse 10: The Righteous Care for the Animals We do our live-streaming on Facebook for now, so if you want to catch us live, be sure to connect with us there.
Jim Warner Wallace: Cold Case Atheist Detective Challenges the Bible
Cold case detective is convinced by gospels that they are accurate eye witness testimonies and converts from atheist to Christian as a result.
Good News for Animals in Need of a Rescuer!
Two animal rights activists rescued a pair of abused baby piglets from a factory farm and brought them to an animal sanctuary to receive needed medical attention and care. The FBI thereafter raided the animal sanctuary and took the piglets because Smithfield Farm is a powerful $2
Friday Night Live # 58 – Living in the Spirit
In this week’s live talk, Craig discusses what it means to live in the Spirit, from a biblical and practical perspective. We will not be doing a live talk next Friday (October 14, 2022.) So we invite you to join us the following Friday, October 21, for our next Friday Night
Join our next Friday Night Live! The topic: Living in the Spirit
We invite you to join us on Friday, October 7, at 4PST / 7EST for our next Friday Night Live message. We’re going to talk about Living in the Spirit. We go live on our Facebook page, so be sure to connect with us there, to receive notifications. We’ll see you then!
Blessing and Curse by Bible Project
This week’s showcased item is a wonderful video by Bible Project. The description below is from their website: “Blessing” is a religious-sounding word that we use a lot. We say “Bless you!” after a sneeze, or that we’re “so blessed” when life is go