Are Humans Superior to Animals? Join us this Friday for our next live talk!
Are Humans Superior to Animals? Join us this Friday, December 2, 2022 for our next Friday Night Live talk! Craig will be discussing Matthew 20:25-28 and the question of what it means to be superior. We go live on our Facebook page at 4PM PST / 6PM CST / 7PM EST / 12 Midnight UK.
Caretakers of God’s Property and Pets
Greg Boyd, teaching pastor at Woodland Hills Church in St Paul, MN, has delivered many sermons about taking care of the earth and animal kingdom in a Cross centered way. In this series, Cross-Examination, there are several sermons directly addressing a Biblical view of caring for
God Instructs us to be Vegan – Genesis 1:29
An African Hebrew Israelite leader talks about why he is vegan and how it connects us to our Creator.
Friday Night Live # 62 – Be Merciful (Luke 6:36)
In this week’s live talk Craig goes over Luke 6, with a focus on verse 36 – Be merciful, just as your father is merciful. We do our livestreaming on Facebook, so if you want to catch us live, please connect with us there. And if you’re not already subscribed, pl
Evangelical Spirituality and Animal Ethics
This week’s showcased item is from Dr Philip J. Sampson, originally posted on Sarx. It will come as a surprise to many that the pioneers of animal welfare reform before the 20th century were Christians. Dr Philip J Sampson discusses the distinctively Christian motives which
Japanese Sea Turns Blood Red As The Annual Taiji Dolphin Hunt Begins
This week we’re showcasing this Plantbased News story on the Taiji Dolphin Hunt. If you are not familiar with the Taiji Dolphin Hunt, please take a few minutes and learn about it. Activists for years have been trying to end this cruel and inhumane hunt. The six-month-long e
FNL # 61 – Should our eternal perspective include animals?
In this week’s Friday Night Live talk, Craig goes over the question “Should our eternal perspective include animals?” Based on Philippians 3:19. We are currently doing our live-streaming on Facebook, so if you want to catch us live, be sure to connect with us th
Should our eternal perspective include animals? Join us this Friday to find out!
Join us this Friday, November 4, for our next Friday Night Live message! The topic will be: Should our eternal perspective include animals? Philippians 3:19. We go live on our Facebook page, at 4PST / 7EST. So be sure to connect with us there, to receive notifications. We’ll se