Blind Dog Saves Drowning Girl (video snippet)

Today’s showcased item is a beautiful video that is part of a video series called “It’s a Miracle – Animal Miracles!”

Balaam’s donkey is a hero character in the Bible (Numbers 22), repeatedly saving Balaam’s life in the face of violence. There are plenty of other real world stories of heroic animals demonstrating extraordinary Christlike love. This one is of a blind labrador retriever named Norman. The lab heard the faint cries of Lisa Nibley, an Oregon teen drowning in the Necanicum River. Norman sprinted 150 yards down the beach, into the water, and rescued the drowning teen. Lisa says she was praying to God not to let her drown, and she believes Norman was sent by God to save her. This goes to show that animals are not only capable of showing extraordinary Christlike love, but are also capable of responding to the call of God to answer prayers.

You can view the rest of the videos in this series here.

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