creation care

Get Active For Animals – Free PETA LAMBS Creation Care Toolkit!

Today’s showcased content is this Creation Care toolkit by PETA LAMBS, a resource with some great practical ideas for taking action in your community, in your church, and at home to help to prevent animals from suffering.

It is contrary to human dignity to allow animals to suffer or die needlessly.

Pope Francis, Laudato si’

Here’s an easy way for believers like you to learn how to help prevent animals from suffering by taking action in your community, in your church, and at home.

Our FREE PETA LAMBS Creation Care Toolkit!

This terrific new resource is packed with great ideas for hosting animal-friendly events and simple, meaningful ways you can help awaken and empower your faith community. Together, we can honor God by creating the change that animals deserve.

PETA LAMBS is here to support you as you encourage your faith community to care for all of God’s creation. If you have any questions about the kit or our work, please let us know!

Download the Toolkit Now

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