Is Veganism A Cult?

In this short 4-minute video, Pastor Frank talks about the question “Is veganism a cult?” that some non-vegan Christians often bring up as if they are trying to take the focus off themselves and their participation in evil through the abuse of God’s creation. He explains how Revelation 21:4 gives God’s ultimate heavenly will and this is what we should strive for: “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”


  • Natalia Czarnowska Botvinjevs

    God disres mercy not sacrifce ❤️ hosea 6.6 and Mathew 9.13 And God orginal diet from genisis 1.29 is not just for the past . I agree 100 procent ♡ we are not of the world and we should get ready root people 🌱🌈🐑🥰🦁🥦 having dominion is not killing. The good shepherd lies his life for his Sheep.

    • Creation Care Church/Kathy, CCC Admin

      Natalia, thank you for your comment!! We agree of course with regard to the passages you list. We are most definitely not of the world when we are born again in Christ and should strive to put on Christ in all things that we do. I love the way you say "we should get ready root people"!! Have not heard this phrase before, I like it! We are members of the "root people!!" The Jesus root people! :) Blessings. ~CCC Admin/Kathy

  • Lois Rizzardi

    Hi, My husband and I are interested in your outreach through following the Lord, Jesus Christ. I am a vegetarian and my husband is vegan. We are, first and foremost, believers in the Lord Jesus. We have read your statement of faith and wholeheartedly agree. How may we be a part of your, God's, church. Is there a physical location?

    • Kathy Dunn, Admin

      Hi Lois, thank you for reaching out to us. We do not have a physical location; we exist online only at this time. You can join our church by filling out the pop-up form to become a member. And tune in to our live Friday Night Live (FNL) talks on our Facebook page! If you are unable to join them live, you can always watch them from this website under Messages, on CCC Facebook and CCC YouTube. We also have fellowship after the FNL every other week; we announce fellowship during our live talks, the next one I believe is 12/23 on CCC Fellowship Call Facebook page. If you are interested in volunteering, you can check out our current volunteer needs under the connect tab. Thanks again for contacting us! God Bless.

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