Thankful’y Turk’y with a Gardein plant-based turk’y roast

Make this a vegan season!

Turkeys raised for meat on factory farms are killed when they are only 3 to 5 months old, and during their short lives will be denied even the simplest pleasures, such as running, building nests, and raising their young. The estimated 245 million turkeys raised and killed for their flesh every year in the U.S. have no federal legal protection, and more than 46 million of them are killed each year at Thanksgiving alone. It’s hard to be thankful about that.

But you can be ‘thankfu’ly’ vegan this season by preparing a Gardein plant-based ‘turk’y’ roast. Go to Tips for a Vegan Holiday & Gardein Holiday Roast to know all you need to know for a vegan meal that will not only be a delicious choice but also a compassionate choice. And something to be “thankful’y turk’y” about.

Creation Care Church does not endorse the celebration of this holiday or any other secular holidays. But if you are going to observe it in some way, we encourage you to choose compassion over violence. If you have questions, or just want to say hello, feel free to contact us.

Gardein plant-based turk'y roast

Gardein plant-based turk’y roast

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