Humbled for Healed Land

By Timothy J Verret

(Inspired by the live talk from 20 August, 2021 on Predation)

“Father God, thank You that if we are humbled, You will heal our land. Your Design has always been for us to be good stewards to our land. It started in the Garden of Eden, but it was corrupted by Adam and Eve after being seduced into sinning by the serpent (Genesis 3). Your Design for us to be good stewards is in Your Word, the Bible, when You instructed Adam and Eve: ‘See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food’ (Genesis 1:29). You instructed Adam and Eve about Your nonhuman animals: “Also, to every beast of the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food; and it was so’ (Genesis 1:30). You instructed that BOTH humans AND nonhuman animals were to have their food from fruit and vegetation and not from nonhuman animals.

In Genesis 6:11, ‘all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.’ In Genesis 30:46, Jacob and Laban corrupted their livestock in the name of stronger vs. feeble, and ‘man became exceedingly prosperous.’ We are seeing all fleshly corruption and profit today. Man has corrupted nonhuman animals for profit so man can become “exceedingly prosperous.” Man has turned to wicked ways, becoming selfish and ego-driven and destroying nonhuman animals by turning them into “machines.” We need look no further than the current factory farming industry, where 99% of meat consumed by humans comes from, where God’s nonhuman animals are treated as non-feeling, inanimate machines for fleshly corruption and profit. When we say The Lord’s Prayer, give us a heart to not just be sayers of Your Word but also doers of Your Word. I pray all this to You, Father God, in the Wonderful and Precious and ‘Stand’ Name above every other name, Jesus Christ. Amen.”


You must be humbled for a healing land.

You must be humbled for a loving place.

You must humbly heal God’s Creation planned.

You must humbly love God’s every earth face.


I must be humbled for a healing home.

I must be humbled for a loving find.

I must humbly follow God’s Holy Tome.

I must humbly love God’s every earth kind.


Humble yourselves to heal and love My Land,

God’s Word says. My Land hosts Every Creature.

Every human and animal will stand.

God stands for each one. LOVE? God’s Best Feature.


Turn from wicked ways, harming God’s Right Hand.

God’s Hands LOVE each kind, humbled for healed land.


Photo by davide ragusa on Unsplash

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