Should Vegans Empathize With Meat-Eaters?
According to psychological research on the topic, empathetic listening is one of our greatest tools for outreaching people to go vegan. Check out this 15-minute video with some great tips on improving our ability to increase the number of vegans in church and in the world. [Creat
In Loving Memory Of Smokey
As I write, I’m sitting on the sofa where our beloved cat, Smokey, would come and lay across my lap, purring loudly, his head dangling, and his legs angled in all directions, as I reached over him to work on my lap-top! I now have time to reflect. Smutty In August 2013, we had
The pure love of animals ❤️
This beautiful video from Kinder World shows we are missing out on by failing to see animals as God sees them. [Creation Care Church does not necessarily agree with all the points of view of showcased content creators.]
Jewish Veg – Rabbinic Statement (video)
People often say Jesus would have eaten a kashrut (kosher) diet that included “clean” animals, but even today it is acknowledged by many rabbis that vegan has always been the only true torah-approved form of kashrut. Jesus, as God’s ideal in human form, would ha
Preaching The Word Of God At A Slaughterhouse Lockdown!
Three years ago, Craig preached the Word of God in front of a group of animal activists at a slaughterhouse lockdown, praying that it would get shut down permanently. God has since answered his prayer, and that place of suffering is no longer in operation! We pray that all places
“The Whole Creation Has Been Groaning In Labour Pains” (Romans 8)
So much of what Jesus taught related to humanity’s obsession with wealth, possessions and power. Everything becomes a commodity and even God’s creatures are treated as such, as though they only exist for our convenience. But in Psalm 50, God’s response to those who try to g
Hunter Ran Down Wolf With Snowmobile, Tortured the Injured Animal at a Bar Before Killing Her
I was devastated to hear the news about a young female wolf who was tortured in Wyoming, USA. As The Guardian states, “A Wyoming hunter who reportedly ran over a gray wolf with a snowmobile, taped the creature’s mouth shut, took a picture with it inside a local bar and th
The First Time Love Stayed: Reflections from the Animal World
From the Mothers Against Dairy website, a warm and uplifting story about the first time a rescued dairy cow gets to keep her calf! The unimaginable treatment that mother cows and their babies endure in the dairy industry is not in alignment with what the Bible teaches. God gave h
The Story of Stuff (video)
At Creation Care Church, we are passionate about and take seriously the mandate God gave us in the beginning to care for the earth. He gave us dominion as a role to shepherd the animals and till and keep the garden, or the earth, in His image. The description from the videomaker:
From Lamenting to Praise: What The Psalms Teach Us About Prayer
The Bible Project has wonderful videos and articles for students of the Bible and disciples of Yashua (Jesus) to learn from. This post is a summary in my own words from their article on the book of Psalms found at the link above. Be sure to read it as it expounds on this sho